Make and improve your resume with Supawork AI.

Use Supawork AI to manage resumes, check job openings, and tailor resumes to guide your career to new places.

Start a new career path with Supawork AI


Pro Resume Management

Improve your job apps with well-made résumés.

Smart Resume Organizing

Organizes and prioritizes resumes for smooth job apps.

AI Job Autofill

Easy AI autofill for job apps.

Job Search Filtering

AI-guided job search to boost your chances.

Start a new path with AI-powered resume organizing, job filtering, job matching, and keyword finding.

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AI Resume Organization

AI-powered resume builder for custom and strong job apps.
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AI Job Filtering

Smart AI filtering connects professionals with relevant jobs.
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AI Job Matching

Personalized job ideas by AI aligned with my career goals.
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Job Keyword Finder

AI finds and suggests keywords to improve my job search.