Build and optimise your resume with Supawork AI.

Resume management, job screening, tailored resumes with Supawork AI, taking your career to a new journey.

Start a new career journey with Supawork AI


Expert Resume Handling

Streamline your job application with expert presentation.

Smart Resume Organisation

Sorts and prioritises resumes for efficient job applications.

AI Job Autofill

AI-driven autofill for job application for convenience.

Job Search Filtering

AI-assisted job search to boost your success in landing a job.

Transforming a new journey with AI resume organisation, AI job filter, AI job matching, AI job keyword finder.

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AI Resume Organisation

AI-powered resume generator for customised, impactful job applications.
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AI Job Filter

Smart filtering AI connects professionals with suitable job opportunities.
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AI Job Matching

Personalised job recommendations by AI tailored to my career goals.
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Job Keyword Finder

AI detects and recommends keywords to enhance my employment hunt.